
1.rabies 狂犬病

Rabies is a serious disease which causes people and animals to go mad and die. Rabies is particularly common in dogs

2.culprit (n)  (1) 罪犯 (2) 元兇

The police quickly identified the real culprits

The main culprit in the current crisis seems to be modern farming techniques

3.emerge (v) 浮現

The swimmer emerged from the lake

emerging (a) 新興的,崛起中的

The emerging market of South America attracted many investors

The emerging young musician has captured the attention of critics

4. highly contagious disease 高度傳染性的疾病

5. you need a lot of repetitions to get familiar with what you have learned

6. good point 說得好

7.isn't that amazing? 真令人驚奇不是嗎

8.overturn (v) 翻轉

to overturn a decision

9.influence our lives in many ways

10.we're out of time. 沒什麼時間了



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