1. prefer A to B

I prefer jazz to rock music 我喜歡爵士樂勝過搖滾樂

2.famed (a)  著名的

a famed poet and musician 一位大名鼎鼎的詩人和音樂家


3.civil war 內戰

the Spanish Civil War 西班牙內戰


4.plague (v) 使困擾   (n) 瘟疫

Financial problems are plaguing the company. 財政問題使這家公司焦頭爛額

a plague of rats  鼠害


5.enlist (v) 入伍;招募

They both enlisted in 1915

He was enlisted into the US Navy



6.propel (v) 驅使

Fury propelled her into action


7.put on 演出

put on those plays


8. I'm counting on it! 我就靠它了


9.keep your promise 信守你的承諾


10.plain living and high thinking 僕素的生活及高尚的思想


11.Do you have something that can't wait?


12.ageless work  不朽的作品

     iterary work    文學作品


13 adaptation 改編

That movie is an adaption of this book.


14.sci-fi=science fiction


15.protagonist 主要人物(書,電影)

     antagonist  對立人物


16. a strong will 堅強的意志


17. She is quite determined to get what she want


18. The book is written about four sisters.


19.The fever cannot be cured.


20.He tries to keep a diary about his everyday life.

     The Internet has become part of everyday life   網路已成為每日生活的一部分


21.Little women is now considered a classic.   被視為是經典作品


22.to overcome the obstacle  克服障礙


23.plot 情節

     lose the plot 跟不上情節

     walk in late for a movie 晚進場看電影

     feel lost


24. I'll have a word with you after I put thses books away  把這些書收好以後


25. hide their gender 隱藏他們的性別


26. Fat chance ! 不可能! 想都別想!







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